We were so happy to find the features Walls.io offered. It allowed us to create a virtual audience so that anyone watching could cheer on teammates and celebrate wins at home. It kept engagement up on social and also helped spread the word about our events. People were excited to see themselves on the wall!
The mechanics of the campaign, bringing in social media and our employee’s individual accounts, were very engaging and, judging by the #ownies posted, our people had fun taking part in the campaign. Social media stimulates creativity and is appealing due to ease of use and accessibility. We had overwhelming reactions from some employees who posted well over 100 #ownies with their accounts. We got over 3,500 #ownie posts and are quite satisfied with the results of the campaign, considering this was our first global hashtag campaign.
Running is very emotional. This is why we have been using Walls.io social walls for years. It’s easy to get runners to post their experiences from races and training sessions on social media and share these moments with others. This integration of UGC creates a closer connection between the runners, us and our race.