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...and why is the no. 1 social wall tool among professionals like you. We’ll show you how you can use it to drive engagement and create unforgettable events.

Expert Guidance: Maximize's potential for your business with our help.
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Trusted by the world's leading brands
Production Pirates

We don't say we're the best, our customers do

Milko Malev
Director of Communications and Media

We wanted to make the social media buzz around the DMEXCO a bit more tangible and visible to visitors. So we decided to incorporate two social walls into the digital signage screens in the middle of the DMEXCO Boulevard.

City of Wolfsburg
Edgar Diener
Managing Partner
City of Wolfsburg offers us many options, both regarding the technical setup as well as the design. By putting social media content from various channels on the website, we can also reach those users who don’t use any of the social media networks we’re on.

Generali Cologne Marathon
Sebastian Becker
Communications and Social Media Manager
Generali Cologne Marathon

Running is very emotional. This is why we have been using social walls for years. It’s easy to get runners to post their experiences from races and training sessions on social media and share these moments with others. This integration of UGC creates a closer connection between the runners, us and our race.